Online Flea Market

Holiday Earrings

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  • Holiday Earings

    Phyllis Barber is the BeadWizzard.  She has been collecting and working with beads since she was a little girl.  She have always been fascinated by stones of all kinds, even the big ones called Rocks!!  She started her love of beading with Indian patterns, culture and their jewelry.  This led her into making free style beaded earrings, headbands and wire jewelry in the days of the hippies, starting in 1966.

    As Phyllis got older, she graduated into semi-precious gem stones, loom work and wire wrapping. She experimented with both gold and silver wire, copper, stainless steel and galvanized wire to get different finishes and designs. She flattened the wire, and polished it.  Pretty soon, she had so many pairs of earrings, bracelets and necklaces that she went on the craft show circuit in Michigan. She enjoyed the weekend shows, taking her sister or her daughter with to help with setup, tear down and sales.  But, she lost my way for some years when the computer took over my life!!!

    If you have any specific design that you would like to see made, etc, I love very much to do custom work.  All pieces are quoted individually. I cannot do all types of jewelry work, and I don't do repairs at the moment, but all in good time. 😉  So, sit back, let your fingers and the mouse do the work, and wander throughout


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